I Cue Because I Do

I wish I had it together.  These things I write about, so many of them are from my own struggles.  My own combats.  My own internal demons. 

I love encouraging other women to be their own best.  Not the best, just the greatest version of themselves.  There are so many ways to approach this, whether through nutrition, exercise, or shifting our mind.  I’ve tapped into some already and hope to continue to do so.  

Challenges of mine like forgetting what the scale says and focusing on being healthy enough to do what God wants me to do are exposed.  

It might appear I never get frustrated by the number on the scale, or the muffin top from some of my smaller pants, or that my thighs seem to burst out of my holey, ripped jeans when I sit down.  The reality is all of the above are true, and so much more.

Sometimes it takes our own struggles to support others in their challenges.

The words come from struggles

 In my classes, I have created my own quote: I cue because I do.  

If we are performing squats and I realize I’m not squeezing my glutes on the extension (when we stand back up), I remind them to do this.  Same with engaging my core during planks.  Last year I guided my ladies to hold a calf stretch for sixty seconds because that was part of my two-week rehab plan for plantar fasciitis.  

In other words, much of what I say to them is a reminder to myself.

Sometimes it takes our own struggles to support others in their challenges.

Inspiration comes from the issues

The same is true with these posts.  

Inspiration comes from internal battles that often take up too much mental space.  Writing about them is cathartic for me.  My first draft is often a stream-of-consciousness confusing mess — kind of like what goes on inside my head.  After it sits a couple days, I look at it with fresh eyes and create some sense of clarity and direction.  

I post it and we all digest it together.

Sometimes it takes our own struggles to support others in their challenges.

The grace I give myself

I’ve grabbed a handful of animal crackers and paired them with M&M’s while writing. They were the dark chocolate kind – does that help at all?  And then I sat there and typed about being healthy.  Maybe I should have written a little longer that day?

So while it may look like I am coming out with a huge Pollyanna-esque rah-rah, it’s often self-encouragement.  If you get something out of it, all the better.  If you’ve mastered it already and want to counsel me, then by all means, contact me!

Cool.  Glad we cleared that up.  Now I’m off to engage my core while eating M&Ms.  Wait!  I mean while enjoying a salad.  Clearly I need to write more …

Sometimes it takes our own struggles to support others in their challenges.


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